£3000 Plus Instant Wins


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Please check your name and number in the entry list below after payment.

Closing Date: August 25, 2024 8:00 pm

Competition Stats


per Entry


Max. Entries


per Person

Total Winners: 1

Instant Wins

Have 202 chances to win a prize instantly! You will be allocated a random ticket number, and if you match one of the numbers below, you will win that prize. We have over £6000 worth of instant win prizes to giveaway! All of your entries will also be entered into the main draw to win the featured prize.

Ticket Prize Winner
148 £250 Ruth Lydon
290 £250
30999 £250
30899 £250
30799 £100
30693 £100 Robert Mcilvanney
30499 £100 Duncan Hart
999 £100
30419 £100
30399 £100
30333 £50 Steven Bradie
807 £50
30223 £50
30199 £50
30149 £50
30099 £50 Ian Murray
401 £50
501 £50
606 £50 wendy cloy
709 £50 Paul Brown
30000 £25
29999 £25
29959 £25
29912 £25
29900 £25
29800 £25 Kenneth Blair
29749 £25
29630 £25 Aidan Lowe
29600 £25 Siobhan Milligan
29555 £25

Please wait for the result

12154 Tickets Sold

£3000 end prize